Kehilat Ma'ayanot is the first traditional, egalitarian minyan in Jerusalem. Located in the Arnona-Talpiot area of southern Jerusalem, the community is based on the principles of equality, tradition, and social responsibility. We are approximately 100 families made up of Ashkenazim and Sephardim; singles, families, and seniors; native Israelis and olim from North and South America, France, Italy, England, Germany and Hungary. Men and women participate equally both in responsibilities and rights; members take turns participating in and coordinating services and giving Divrei Torah. Ma'ayanot is committed to religious observance and halachah that is not stagnant, striving to find the balance between tradition and innovation. This is the common cause that powers our practical commitment to Jewish pluralism and mutual tolerance. Our activities include Shabbat services, study sessions and seminars, children’s services, weekend retreats, holiday services, and activities for Yom Ha’Atzmaut, Lag B’Omer, and other holidays. LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR HISTORY
We would love to welcome you to our community.
Joining Ma’ayanot is a statement of support for a Masorti egalitarian minyan in Arnona HaTzeira. Please consider joining even if you only wish to pray with us occasionally. It is important for the community to grow and to have more neighborhood support.
We are proud to offer a complimentary first year of membership to those who need it.
Please note that the yearly payment is divided into to equal parts:
1. Donation to Kehilat Maayanot (which is Tax deductible in Israel).
2. Yearly membership which is not tax deductible.
Shopping with Love ❤️ Campaign for Evacuees
This emergency care fundraising campaign provides swift relief to displaced families, survivors, and evacuees from the Southern region of the State of Israel. Thousands of people are now experiencing the most difficult period of their lives. Families, parents, children- young and old, disabled, and the elderly; people who have lost loved ones and in some cases relatives of hostages. Some have lost their homes, cars, and their entire belongings.
Shanee Benkin is a private citizen from Israel who saw a need and solved it, all in direct coordination with the Home Front Command in Israel. Many of the surviving families and evacuees are being housed in hotels in Jerusalem and the Dead Sea. Shanee has developed direct lines of communication with the representatives of the families themselves and meets with them regularly. During this difficult time, Shanee has been fundraising from individuals and local organizations, using the money to purchase large quantities of items of clothing, footwear, and personal hygiene products – all based on specific requests from the survivors themselves. Through the generosity of corporate retail executives in Israel, Shanee has received significant discounts for her purchases and has been able to deliver the items to the families directly, without an intermediary organization. Shanee’s direct contact with the families and their representatives allows her to deliver to them newly purchased items that specifically meet their immediate needs. This saves them from sorting through piles of second-hand goods donated by citizens, settling for items not necessarily to their liking, or that do not fit them well. Being able to order and receive new clothing and shoes that they are familiar with alleviates a tiny bit of their stress and restores not only their sense of self-worth but also some sense of normalcy and control over their lives.
With all the hundreds of initiatives that have sprung up all over Israel, this one spoke to the hearts of the Board members of Ma’ayanot, as we tried to imagine ourselves dealing with all the incredible pain of this savage attack, in a strange setting with nothing to call our own.
Shanee’s project is offering a small measure of comfort that could go a long way. We hope you will join our campaign to help Shanee. Your donations, big and small, will enable Shanee to continue her amazing volunteer efforts, providing these innocent victims with basic necessities that they have requested.
Thank you in advance for opening your hearts and your wallets.
Please note: Shanee’s activities are fully voluntary. 100% of your donations go directly to the surviving families and the funds will be used immediately.